In the home buying process, the mortgage lender will check your credit and determine if you qualify. Maintaining strong credit shows that you pay back your debts and use your credit wisely. If you have strong credit, you’re more likely to be approved for a …
Buying a home is a serious and hefty purchase. Before you begin the process and are ready for the commitment, there are a few questions to ask.
1. What’s My Budget?
You must figure out how much home you can afford to buy before committing. The house you like and …
Conventional mortgages are something you hear often in the real estate world. So what are conventional loans? In this article, we will go over:
What is a conventional loan? Why choose a conventional mortgage? How do I qualify for a conventional loan? Is a …
You may qualify as a first-time homebuyer even if it is not technically your first home. In this post, we will discuss what determines a first-time homebuyer.
Out of all the mortgage assistance programs, people are usually most familiar with the first-time …
Posted on 27 Jun, 2022
To get the best mortgage loan, know how much you can afford and shop like the bargain hunter you are.
If only shopping for a mortgage was as much fun as shopping for shoes — or a smartphone or a big-screen TV. Hunting down those bargains and …
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Here at Motto Mortgage Luxe Group, we believe in providing our customers with only the best mortgage services. In order to help even more people, we thought we’d share some of our …
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